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Mobile Planetarium

The Kapteyn Astronomical Institute's mobile planetarium is an inflatable dome 3.5 meters high and 6 meters in diameter. On the inside, interactive films are projected of the night sky, planets, stars and galaxies. Astronomy students from the University of Groningen use these projections to explain how beautiful, big and special the universe is!

The dome is intended for educational purposes and is therefore mainly used for school visits in both secondary and primary education. The dome fits approximately an entire school class.

Where will the planetarium be located?

The Kapteyn Mobile Planetarium can be booked in the provinces of Drenthe, Friesland and Groningen. In the central/southern provinces you can book the same mobile planetarium through the Dutch Research School for Astronomy.

This school year we have already visited in: Zuidbroek, Veendam 2x, Twijzel, Zwaagwesteinde, Leeuwarden, Drachten, Haren, Zoutkamp, Emmen and of course regularly in the city of Groningen!

Book the Planetarium

The Mobile Planetarium can only be used indoors. More information about space requirements to place the planetarium, costs and teaching materials can be found under More information.

If you are interested in visiting the dome, please fill out the online request form. To avoid disappointment, it is wise to check first that your preferred date is not already booked in the planetarium calendar.

Last modified:10 February 2025 3.24 p.m.
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