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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Workshop co-creation & impact

From:We 11-12-2019
Until:Fr 13-12-2019
Where:De orangerie, Grote Rozenstraat 19 Groningen

Jonas Stier (professor of intercultural studies, Dalarna University Sweden) and Zsolt Bugarski (social worker and expert of social policy living, Tallinn University Estonia) share their experiences, lessons and best practices about co-creation for researchers within the faculty of Behavourial and Social Sciences. At the end of the workshop researchers will be able to understand the challenges and enablers of co-creation.

About Jonas and Zsolt
Jonas Stier is a professor of intercultural studies at Dalarna University, Sweden. His expertise includes interpersonal and intercultural communication, inclusion and identity and diversity and he has been involved in several international research projects and co-production projects on gender and ethnic diversity in preschools, inclusion in schools and citizenship education.

Zsolt Bugarszki is a Hungarian social worker and expert of social policy living in Estonia and works as lecturer for Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society. His main field is mental health and community care and over the last 25 years he has been working in different Eastern European and Post-Soviet countries to promote the development of community based mental health services.

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