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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Understanding Risk, Facilitating Resilience | Research Workshop

When:Tu 23-04-2024 09:00 - 14:30
Where:Norman Building, Lutkenieuwstraat 5
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The Risk, Crises and Resilience theme is excited to announce an upcoming international workshop on 'Understanding Risk, Facilitating Resilience,' taking place on 23 April in the Norman building at the Lutkenieuwstraat!

Esteemed scholars from New Zealand, Sweden, England, and the Netherlands will gather to share their groundbreaking research and engage in discussions on various challenges and opportunities for disaster risk reduction!

This event will feature presentations from distinguished scholars including Lucia Danzi and Caroline Orchiston from the University of Otago, New Zealand; Monia Del Pinto from Loughborough University, UK; Shakti Shrestha from Uppsala University, Sweden; and Christina Prell from RUG, the Netherlands. The primary goal of this meeting is to share and engage in discussions on shared interests, and explore potential collaborations.


  • gra09.00-09.30 Raul Cordero Carrasco (University of Groningen, NL) Dry compound extremes: South America rapidly becoming warmer, drier, and more flammable

  • 09.30-10.00 Monia Del Pinto (Loughborough University, UK) Understanding the spatial functioning of cities to tackle urban disaster risk: reconceptualization of spatial vulnerability at the urban scale

  • 10.00-10.30 Caroline Orchiston (University of Otago, NZ) Earthquake risk and resilience in Aotearoa-New Zealand: a summary of applied, interdisciplinary disaster risk reduction research

  • 10.30-10.45 break

  • 10.45-11.15 Hamed Seddighi (University of Groningen, NL) Child-Centered Preparedness for Hazard Risks and Resilience Building

  • 11.15-11.45 Shakti Raj Shrestha (Uppsala University, SE) Ethics, Law, and Risk: A theoretical framework to understand disasters

  • 11.45-12.15 Christina Prell (University of Groningen, NL) Resilience of global trade networks and implications for climate actions

  • 12.15-13.15 Lunch

  • 13.15-13.45 Lucia Danzi (University of Otago, NZ) Formation and evolution of tourism disaster response networks

  • 13.45-14.15 Francesca Giardini (University of Groningen, NL) Imagining the future: Computational social science for disaster risk reduction

  • 14.15-15.00 Coffee and discussion of future collaborations

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