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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

New Energy Coalition Symposium: Upstream Public Participation in Sustainable Energy Transitions

When:Th 24-06-2021 14:00 - 17:00

The New Energy Coalition is organising a symposium on 24 June about upstream public participation in Sustainable Energy Transitions.

Renewable energy projects often face public resistance, especially if people feel excluded from the decision making. Studies indicate that public participation in the decision-making process at an early stage of the research and development process can lead to more socially acceptable energy projects. Such participation is often referred to as “upstream public participation”. Yet, it is unclear when and how upstream public participation is most likely to lead to more acceptable renewable energy projects and thus facilitate a sustainable energy transition worldwide. This symposium brings together international speakers with interdisciplinary backgrounds to further understanding of these questions.

You can find more information and register at New Energy Coalition

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