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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School Nieuws & Evenementen

SuSo international Webinar: The potential of comparative international research for building sustainable landscapes

Wanneer:di 15-06-2021 12:00 - 14:00

In cooperation with the Sustainable Landscapes (SL) research group, the Sustainable Society is organising a webinar on Tuesday 15 June: The potential of comparative international research for building sustainable landscapes. In spite of global to national level policy commitments to sustain biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services, assessments demonstrate widespread failures. As a solution, research and policy advocate designing multi-functional landscapes with ecological networks of green (land) and blue (water) spaces.

This requires spatial landscape level planning of natural and semi-natural functional “green infrastructures”, and collaboration among actors and stakeholders. Key prerequisites include evidence-based targets defining sustainable ecosystem patterns and processes, and regionally adapted collaborative landscape stewardship approaches. We review:

  • targets for pattern using tree canopy loss and dead wood as biodiversity state indicators;
  • targets for process through predator-prey interactions affecting forest and wetland biodiversity;
  • landscape stewardship through forests that strengthen social capital, and land ownership cultures.

Integrative place-based transdisciplinary research based on multiple landscape case studies covering gradients in environmental histories and legacies of landscape stewardship provide more socially robust knowledge than disciplinary research.

This webinar has two sessions. In the first session (12:00-13:00 hrs), prof. dr. Per Angelstam will give the presentation and prof. dr. Bart Los will respond to this presentation. Prof. dr. Per Angelstam discusses recent research and we explore how we can in the future bring this type of research further. The second session (13:00-14:00 hrs) is to explore future steps together for those interested in joining in the discussion.

  • When: Tuesday 15 June 2021, 12:00-13:00 hrs. Optional: 13:00-14:00 hrs.
  • Where: BlueJeans

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