Launch RAS Research Group Sustainable Technology
When: | Mo 20-01-2025 15:00 - 17:00 |
Where: | House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen |

This double launch event kicks-off the RAS’ Sustainable Technology Research Group and a special issue of the interdisciplinary journal Environment & Planning C entitled “Repoliticizing the Technological Turn in Sustainability Governance”.
The special issue editors Nick Bernards (University of Warwick, UK), Daivi Rodima-Taylor (Boston University, USA), and Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn (RUG) will be joined by academic article contributors Clara Egger, (Erasmus University, NL), Tony Porter (McMaster University, Canada), and Andreas Dimmelmeier (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, GER).
Program: first hour
The first hour provides an overview of the peer reviewed journal special issue.
Contributors will briefly introduce their articles, as well as suggest ways for the research group to contribute to growing debates on (re-)combining sustainability and technology.
Drawing on their research and own experiences at the intersections of sustainability and technology, speakers will spur creative thinking not just the sustainability of technologies, but the sustainability of the varied socio-technical and political-ecological contexts in which SusTechs are (re-)designed and applied.
Program: second hour
The second hour opens up discussions about what the transdisciplinary research group can contribute to local (provincial), national, regional, and global debates over SusTechs.
Breakout groups will discuss questions about definitional work regarding what SusTechs are & what might be; whether and how to go about (re-)designing and testing SusTech applications; and questions about whether education must be a core component of SusTechs?
A borrel at 17h will help beat the January blues on what is officially ‘Blue Monday’ 2025.
The double launch event is more widely intended to form the basis of sustained cooperation between communities, faculties, schools, networks, and individuals.
All are welcome! Please register at the link below.