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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Summer School Cascading Disasters, Institutions and Organizations (CAINO)

From:Mo 10-07-2023
Until:Fr 14-07-2023
Where:Groningen & Rotterdam, the Netherlands

A Joint summer school organized and hosted by the Erasmus University Rotterdam and of the University of Groningen

How can we build disaster-proof societies for the next generations? How do political institutions – at the national and global levels - shape resilience to the cascading effects of disasters? What are the challenges that organizational networks face when coordinating during multiple disasters?

These are only a few of the questions haunting social scientists and disaster management scholars and practitioners in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite decades of research and recommendations on disaster management strategies, the pandemic has not only reflected the vulnerabilities of societies to cascading disasters, but it has highlighted the need to better conceptualise the role that political systems and inter-organizational emergency management networks play in shaping resilience to such disasters.

CAINO intends to shed new light on such questions by providing advanced social sciences knowledge on the political dimensions of cascading disasters and on the role of emergency management networks. Equipped with this knowledge, participants will be trained in an inter- and transdisciplinary learning environment combining theory, methods and practice into group projects. The summer school will be held in two locations. The first three days will be in Groningen and then we will all move to Rotterdam- on Wednesday 12 July afternoon.

Dates & location

10 - 14 July 2023, Groningen & Rotterdam, the Netherlands




€ 200 (UG & EUR students, students from ENLIGHT universities)

€ 300 (other students)

€ 400 (practitioners)

Academic coordinators

Dr. F. Giardini, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Sociology, University of Groningen

Dr. C. Egger, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Public Administration and Sociology



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