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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
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Resilient and Sustainable Social Groups: Interdisciplinary approaches

From:Tu 05-11-2024
Until:We 06-11-2024
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

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On 5 and 6 November 2024, the Agricola School for Sustainable Development will host an interdisciplinary research event on the evolution, resilience and sustainability of social organizations.

Social groups are prevalent in the animal and human world and this event is meant to stimulate cross-fertilization and collaboration across all the disciplines.

Understanding the evolution, resilience and sustainability of social systems is a challenge that will benefit from an interdisciplinary approach.

This event is open to all RUG researchers at any career level, and will be organized around plenary talks, dedicated workshops and small-group discussions. 

Registration will open in September 2024.

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