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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Multidisciplinary perspectives from archaeology to marine historical ecology - Workshop

When:We 12-07-2023 09:30 - 17:00
Where:House of Connections, Building number 4428, First floor, Room number 0102 (Grote Markt 21, Oude Ebbingestraat 18A, 9712 HR Groningen)

Archaeology is increasingly interdisciplinary and future research will continue to reflect this trend. With this workshop we will introduce students to cross-disciplinary research agendas in archaeology and historical ecology. This workshop will demonstrate for students how their studies in archaeology can have impacts on conservation efforts and historical ecology.

Through millennia of resource exploitation, anthropogenic actions have drastically altered our ecosystems. Understanding how our environments have changed first requires knowledge of the characteristics of our past ecosystems, also known as historical ecological baselines. Using historical, archaeological, and paleontological data to explore past ecologies is a field known as historical ecology. Students will benefit from hearing talks given by world-class researchers from six countries working in a variety of disciplines to discuss recent and ongoing research relevant to research in historical ecology with an emphasis placed on aquatic environments.

Case studies which encompass a wide geographic and temporal swathe will be presented. We will have research shared which looks thousands of years back as well as research focused on current ecological dilemmas. Taxa discussed will include, fishes, turtles, and marine mammals and span geographies from northwestern Europe, the Mediterranean basin, and southern Africa. Students will come out of this conference having heard several avenues that interdisciplinary archaeological research could explore to address ongoing conservation concerns. An emphasis will be placed on the application of novel biomolecular analytical methods (e.g., paleoproteomics, stable isotopes analysis).


09:30 – 10:15 Registration and coffee/tea

10:15 – 10:30 Welcome and introduction, Dr. Canan Çakırlar (GIA) and Michiel M.N. Daams (Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development)

Session I: Ecological consequences in the present (chaired by C. Çakırlar)

10:30 – 10:50 Climate change and sea turtles, Prof. Oğuz Türkozan, Aydın Adnan Menderes University

10:50 – 11:10 Finding Dory: Alien Creatures Invading the Mediterranean Sea, Prof. Michel Bariche, American University of Beirut

11:10-11:40 Coffee break 1

Session II: Historical ecology of aquatic ecosystems (chaired by W. de Kock)

11:40 – 12:00 Clash of the Titans. The historical ecology of sturgeons in Holocene Europe, Dr. Rob Lenders, Radboud University

12:00 – 12: 20 The ‘Ivory road’: Humans and walruses in Arctic Canada and Greenland, ca. AD 1300 to present, Dr. Sean Desjardins, University of Groningen

12:20 – 12:40 Nilotic Creatures: Crocodiles, Fish, Turtles & Molluscs, Prof. Salima Ikram, American University in Cairo

12:40-13:30 lunch break

Session III: Biomolecular tools for historical ecology (chaired by R. Winter)

13:30 – 13:50 Fish food for thought: Lessons from a pilot project combining ichthyoarchaeological and biomolecular research, Dr. Laura Llorente Rodriguez, University of Leiden

13:50- 14:10 Human consumption of marine resources in Zanzibar (7th-15th c. CE): palaeoecological insights from stable isotope analysis, Prof. Michelle Alexander, University of York

14:10-14:30 What can palaeoprotomics do for you?, Dr. Alberto J. Taurozzi, University of Copenhagen

14:30-15:00 coffee break 2, tour of bottenzolder (bone attic)

Session IV: Marine historical ecology of the eastern Mediterranean (chaired by P. Palsbøll)

15:00 – 15:20 The ancient lives of Mediterranean sea turtles, Willemien de Kock, University of Groningen

15:20 – 15:40 Grouping groupers: ancient proteins reveal ecological baselines in the eastern Mediterranean, Rachel Winter, University of Groningen

15:40 – 16:00 Concluding remarks, Prof. Per Palsbøll, University of Groningen

16:00 – 17:00 Reception

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