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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Live ITG webinar: 'Modern slavery in global supply chains - The case of Thai seafood'

When:Th 23-09-2021 12:00 - 13:00
Where:Norman Building (Lutkenieuwstraat 5)

In cooperation with the Illicit Trade (ITG) Research Group, the Sustainable Society is organising a webinar on Thursday 23 September: Modern slavery in global supply chains - The case of Thai seafood. In this webinar Miriam Wilhelm will elaborate on how a growing recognition of human rights in business has shed light on labor violations and abusive practices that prevail in many global supply chains.

The recent ‘modern slavery’ crisis in the Thai fishing industry not only brings the question of government’s responsibility to the fore but also increasingly highlights the role of multinational corporations and their (lack of) effort to protect human rights in global supply chains. This presentation investigates governmental and private sector responses to the modern slavery crisis, and assesses their impact on resolving human right violations in supply chains.

Please note that there are a limited number of places available. So be quick to register! It is of course also possible to watch the livestream of the event, please indicate this at the registration.

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