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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Live D&G webinar: 'The 2021 German federal election results: analysis and implications for Europe'

When:Mo 27-09-2021 12:00 - 13:00
Where:Norman Building (Lutkenieuwstraat 5)

Together with our research group Democracy & Governance (D&G), the Sustainable Society is organising the event on Monday 27 September: The 2021 German federal election results: analysis and implications for Europe. During this seminar Léonie de Jonge, Lars Rensmann and Simon Otjes will reflect on the outcome of the German election.

The 2021 German federal election is arguably the most important one in over a decade. Angela Merkel is leaving office, the Greens have become increasingly popular over the past three years, and questions over the future of the far-right Alternative for Germany arise. Furthermore, this election will have major consequences for the European Union and other European countries, especially ahead of the 2022 French presidential elections. One day after the election, University of Groningen experts will share their insights and answer any questions you may have on the results and their implications. The event will be moderated by Leonie Sinnema, journalist at the Dagblad van het Noorden.

Please note that there are a limited number of places available. So be quick to register! It is of course also possible to watch the livestream of the event, please indicate this at the registration.

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