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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

‘Interdisciplinary Phd Connections on Mobility and Migration.’ | HuMM lab 

When:Fr 17-01-2025
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21 Groningen

Are you a PhD student working on a PhD project related to human mobility and migration? Are you interested in learning more about interdisciplinary research and making connections with fellow PhD students at the RUG? Then we kindly invite you to join us at our event ‘Interdisciplinary Phd Connections on Mobility and Migration.’ 

The event is based on the concept of ‘by students for students’ and aims at bringing students from different (research) fields together to exchange ideas and experiences working on research regarding (human) mobility and migration. In a mix between panel discussions and workshop format, the event will focus on the interdisciplinary aspect of research and on fostering connections and collaboration between PhD students. Next to exchanging ideas and tips about the PhD research and experience, the goal of this event is also to establish connections for interdisciplinary collaborations on future projects.

The event will take place on the 17th of January in the House of Connections in Groningen. You will find more information about the structure and the programme of the event in the attached document. 

If this event sounds interesting to you, please SIGN UP under the following link so that we can adequately prepare and introduce you and your topics. If you know of other PhD students that you believe would be interested and could benefit from this event please feel free to extend this invitation to them.

The provisional programme is scheduled as follows:

 10:00-12:00 Part 1- Presentations PhD Projects
 12:00-13:30 Break- Lunch (provided on location)
 13:30-15:30 Part 2- Discussions

In the first part of the event, participating PhD students will present their research in a panel format with the possibility for participants to ask the presenting students questions. During this part, current (Research) Masters students are invited to join. With our event we would like to give the Masters students the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes to get a first impression of what a PhD project could look like, while also giving the PhD students the opportunity to present their research in front of an audience. In the spirit of connecting students, the Masters students will have lunch together with the participants, offering the possibility for an exchange between Masters and PhD students.

The second part of the event is done in a workshop format and will consist of the PhD students collaborating on challenges and questions related to (human) mobility and migration. We aim to make the groups as diverse as possible in terms of research fields in order to foster an interdisciplinary environment.

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