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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward
Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

HELLO Meet Up event on 'Green Groningen'

When:We 15-11-2023 14:00 - 16:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21 Groningen

You are cordially invited to the HELLO Meet Up event. This is an event that gathers researchers from the Faculty of Arts and businesses or organisations in and around Groningen.

Every year, the Meet Up offers the opportunity to make connections between researchers from the faculty of Arts and local partners. Potential collaboration, which may result in small joint research projects, project applications, activities or products that bring science and society together, can apply for a grant of up to €1,000, a so-called HELLO grant.

Previous Meet Ups led, for example, to a study on how gamers experience storytelling and a project developing digital applications for bilingual education. These projects were (co-)realised thanks to a HELLO grant.


This year, the theme of the Meet Up is Green Groningen. Sustainability is of course a very important issue for research and society alike. We view sustainability in the broadest sense of the word. Possible topics include green communication, the Groningen landscape (including cultural heritage), climate change, recycling, art in public space, urban planning (including green space), ecological diversity, healthy ageing and green politics.

Bring stakeholders and partners

We would like to invite you to join us and kindly ask you to pass on this invitation to any stakeholders or local partners that may be interested in joining us. Please contact us if you are interested: Aurélie Joubert a.d.e.joubert and Sarah Willemsen slwillemsen

Researchers from the RUG should sign up here: 

Faculty Impact Awards

After the Meet Up, the Faculty Impact Awards will be presented in the student and staff category (16.00-18.00). A great opportunity to see what our collaborations can bring! In connection with catering, we would like to hear if you would like to attend.

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