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Prof. Emeritus De Kam Presents Critical Report'De waardedalingsregeling van het Instituut Mijnbouwschade Groningen.'

When:We 29-05-2024 12:00 - 14:00
Where:House of Connections, Grote Markt 21 Groningen

George de Kam, emeritus professor of housing and land market studies, will present his reportDe waardedalingsregeling van het Instituut Mijnbouwschade Groningen: kanttekeningen en alternatieven’ on 29 May at the House of Connections. In this report, he critiques the depreciation scheme of the Institute for Mining Damage Groningen (IMG).

According to the emeritus professor, compensation for depreciation caused by earthquakes should be fairer and more just. Additionally, he warns that the scheme proposed by the IMG could lead to numerous lawsuits.

On May 30, the Dutch House of Representatives will discuss the scheme during a committee meeting.
Date | Wed 29 May
Time | 12:00-14:00, lunch included
Location |House of Connections

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