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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
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Rudolf Agricola School News & Events

Disaster Resilience Webinar: 'The psychosocial impact of a creeping disaster: Longitudinal research on the Groningen gas extraction'

When:Th 30-09-2021 12:00 - 13:00

On Thursday 30 September 2021 the first Disaster Resilience webinar will take place! In the webinar 'the psychosocial impact of a creeping disaster: Longitudinal research on the Groningen gas extraction' Katherine Stroebe will address the social effects of the Groningen gas extraction and Kritika Maheshwari will respond to it.

Despite indications of health risks of environmental hazards (e.g. fracking, geothermal energy production), the long-term impact thereof is not well documented. The past decade has seen a steep increase in the use of these technologies. In the current talk I will first present longitudinal data on the impact of exposure to one such energy technology, gas extraction causing earthquakes and damage to housing in the province of Groningen, on (psycho)somatic health. Then I will move on to the mechanisms underlying such a health impact: what causes it, what makes this man-made hazard particularly stressful for inhabitants? I will also reflect on how the system instituted to address the consequences of the earthquakes for inhabitants (e.g., monetary compensation procedures, fortification of houses), in itself is a stressor. Finally, I will move on to discuss resilience when facing disaster, more specifically the power of groups as a mechanism for coping with disaster.

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