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Katja Loos elected President of the European Polymer Federation

28 February 2022

Katja Loos, Professor of Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Groningen, has been elected as the President of the European Polymer Federation (EPF) for the period 2023-2025.

Prof. Katja Loos
Prof. Katja Loos

EPF is an umbrella non-profit organization of National Polymer Societies in Europe. It was established in 1986 with 16 European Countries as founding members whereas today it includes 24 full and 4 associate members. The goals of EPF are to co-ordinate and stimulate the activities of the European Countries in the science, technology and applications of synthetic and natural macromolecules, to encourage European cooperation and networking in polymer science and engineering and to promote and advance the potential of European young polymer scientists.

Katja Loos was elected President of EPF by the General Assembly of national representatives and succeeds Dr. Jiri Kotek, director of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry CAS and representative of the Czech Chemical Society, who is the President of EPF for 2020-2022.

The EPF European Polymer Congress (the largest conference in the field of Polymer Science in Europe) will take place in June 2025 in Groningen.

Last modified:04 March 2022 2.23 p.m.
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