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Moniek Tromp elected vice-chair of the Young Academy of Europe

02 November 2020

Prof.dr. Moniek Tromp, chair of Materials Chemistry at the University of Groningen, was elected as vice-chair of the Young Academy of Europe during the 9th Annual Meeting held on October 20th.

Moniek Tromp
Moniek Tromp

The Young Academy of Europe (YAE) is a pan-European initiative of outstanding young scientists for networking, advocacy, scientific exchange, and science policy.

It is organised as a bottom-up initiative of a dynamic and innovative group of recognised European young scientists and scholars with outspoken views about science and science policy.

The YAE provides input and advice from a younger generation’s perspective – a vital input to shape EU-wide policy for the benefit of future European scholars and scientists.

For more information on the YAE, please see: or

or get in touch with Prof.dr. Moniek Tromp

Last modified:18 November 2020 08.54 a.m.
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