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Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) is awarded >4MEuro EU support

13 September 2019

Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) play a key role in the development of modern chemistry, biochemistry, chemical biology, physics and materials science. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees in TCCM is a two-year research-oriented master programme meant to prepare experts in using and developing molecular sciences computational techniques to either work with innovative pharmaceutical, petrochemical, and new-materials industries or to follow future doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Life or Materials Sciences. TCCM is a joint master of seven European universities: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (coordinator), Spain; Universidad de Valencia, Spain; University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Catholic University Leuven, Belgium; Università degli Studi de Perugia, Italy; Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France; Universidade do Porto, Portugal. This idea has successfully attracted other European and Non-European higher education institutions (~40 associate partners) and the internationalisation of the master programme is demonstrated, since highly ranked universities such as UC Berkeley, Stanford University, and Q-Chem Inc. have been associated to the core partners.

For more information about the contents of the TCCM programme, "click here".

Contact person: Prof. dr. Shirin Faraji (local coordinator)

Last modified:27 March 2020 09.58 a.m.
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