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Research Zernike (ZIAM) News

Young scientists explore their entrepreneurial spirit

27 November 2015
Participants and trainers of the first Zernike Entrepreneurship Seminar
Participants and trainers of the first Zernike Entrepreneurship Seminar

Societal relevance and entrepreneurial thoughts become more and more important in the research landscape, even in the world of basic research. In order to prepare our young staff for this challenge, we organized a two day seminar “Who wants to become an entrepreneur” in collaboration with Building Between Bridges. In the two-day seminar the 16 participants (TopMaster Nanoscience students and PhD students) worked together in four teams to bring their entrepreneurial attitude to light. The seminar aimed to get all participants involved and let them experience the passion of business idea generation and business modeling. Along these lines they learned basic principles of central entrepreneurial methods and tools and got a hands-on experience on them. At the end we got an overwhelmingly positive feedback from both, the participants and the two hosts, who together made the entrepreneurial experience a fun event.

Last modified:03 December 2015 11.35 a.m.
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