To reach the broad public the YAG collaborates with several partners within and outside the University. Within the university, the YAG collaborates intensively with the Scholierenacademie (e.g. for Noorderzon projects and MOOCs), ScienceLinx (e.g., Noorderzon and Night of Arts and Science), and Zpannend Zernike (annually). Outside the University we have structural collaborations with Dagblad van het Noorden (Vlogs), RTV Noord (follow-up of the announcement of the proverb book: Eva zoekt uit), and Universiteit van Nederland (several lectures and podcasts).
Providing information for a wide audience is a major aspect in the societal agenda of the YAG. A clear outreach strategy has been developed by the YAG public engagement working group. YAG members participated in numerous public lectures, national newspapers, radio and television, festivals and vlogs/blogs. Top initiatives the YAG organised were ‘Kennis is Koning’ (2018) at King’s Day and Noorderzon (2019) with more than 1100 visitors. The proverb book (‘Achterhaalde Waarheid’) reached a broad audience with its promotion on RTV Noord and in national news (e.g., NRC recommended it as a Christmas present). Finally the YAG organised the University colloquium several times and has been part of the Pint of Science as ways to reach the general public.