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Research Study Centre for Children, Migration and Law Pedagogical assessments


After the case of the refugee or migrant child has been registered by the lawyer/legal representative, we make an appointment with the child and its parents/caretakers to set a date for conducting a diagnostic interview. The diagnostic interview will be held with the parents/caretakers and the child itself. The interview identifies the living conditions of the family and the development of the child. In addition, several diagnostic tests will be conducted. After completing the interview, we will request information from third parties that are involved with the child and/or its family. This will be done with the consent of the parents and the child. In addition, information will be gathered about the security situation in the country of origin or the parent’s country of origin. All the information will be used for drafting a pro justitia report on the best interest of the child.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.21 a.m.
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