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Research Study Centre for Children, Migration and Law

War in Ukraine- the Humanitarian Perspective

When:Tu 15-03-2022 17:00 - 19:00
Where:Marie Lokezaal, Harmonie Compex 

The Human Mobility and Migration Lab of the RUG organises an event on the war in Ukraine. Together with students and colleagues we will reflect on the humanitarian consequences of the war and humanitarian support to the people of Ukraine. We also would like to raise money for Giro 555! You can donate here.

Welcoming word: Jouke de Vries, president of the board of the University of Groningen.

Confirmed speakers:

Dr. Karolina Czerska Shaw - Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Karolina is a sociologist working on human mobility and she is currently a member of the Krakow municipality "crisis team" and very involved in the logistics on the ground supporting refugees from Ukraine in Poland.

Prof. Thea Hilhorst – Erasmus University Rotterdam
Thea is an expert in development in areas affected by disaster, conflict or fragility, with a special focus on aid-society relations: the impact of humanitarian aid on society and the ways in which people and institutions shape the organisation of aid relations.

Dr. Liesbet Heyse – University of Groningen
Liesbet studies nonprofit and public organisations that aim to improve the situation and position of disadvantaged groups in society. She focuses on the relationship between these organisations’ policies and interventions, their organisational features and the result of their operations.

Olga Davydova - Project Manager specializing in Development, Master’s degree in International Relations. Successfully implemented five Economic and Legal Support projects with the International Committee of the Red Cross and Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in conflict and post-conflict contexts. Olga left Ukraine with a big wave of refugees in the beginning of March 2022 after the escalation of the armed conflict in the country.

Renske Boetje – Stichting SHO Giro 555 / Stichting Vluchteling

War in Ukraine event poster
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