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PhD ceremony: Vast and fast data in the era of large astrophysics and particle physics experiments | Simon Gazagnez

When:Fr 01-10-2021 at 12:45
Where:Academy building and live stream

PhD ceremony:
S.R.N. (Simon) Gazagnes, MSc
October 01, 2021
Science and Engineering
Research Group:


Since the beginning of the third millennium, we have entered the Information Age, an era dominated by vast volumes of data and information generated by our modern societies. This era hascritical implications for research, the progress of which now relies on large cutting-edge research experiments. The data collected by these experiments will be complex to handle, such that novelcomputational methods are needed to extract and analyze their information content. My research focuses on developing such methods in the context of upcoming large astrophysics and particle physics experiments. In this interdisciplinary thesis, I first present the implementation of a new computational tool building upon recent mathematical morphology techniques, the componenttrees, to efficiently analyze the connected structures observed in vast images and volumes. Then, I explore the astrophysics of the Epoch of Reionization, a key cosmic epoch in the history of the Universe, using UV spectroscopic and 21-cm observations. In particular, my work examines howfuture telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Square Kilometer Array will helpus to constrain the properties of the sources of reionization. Finally, I present a fast and efficient track reconstruction algorithm for the upcoming antiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt (PANDA)particle physics experiment. PANDA will study collisions of protons (or nuclei) and antiprotons at very high luminosities and interaction rates to explore the physics of strong interactions with unprecedented accuracy.


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