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Research Nieuwenhuis Institute for Educational Research Education in Culture

Meetings and Events

Research meetings in Education in Culture are held once a month, on Thursdays 15.00-16.30 on odd and even weeks. Questions regarding the research meetings are answered by Johannes Westberg .

Meetings of Research Group Education in Culture 2024-2025

The meetings take place at Thursdays 15.00-16.30 h.

  • Thursday 19 September 2024 – UAG.068
    Josje van der Linden “Lifelong Learning, Youth and Work there and here: reflecting on the transition from education to work for young people”

  • Thursday 17 October 2024 – B.128
    Nynke Douma (PhD student, RUG), “Public Value at Risk: The influence of Supplementary and Shadow Education on the Publicness of Dutch Secondary Schools”

  • Thursday 21 November 2024 – UAG.068
    Marianne Ritsema van Eck and Fred van Lieburg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)"Devotion and education in late medieval and early modern culture: visual aspects and social practices."

  • Thursday 12 December 2024 – UAG.068
    Li Yingyan (10% seminar) “Chinese Transnational Universities in Europe: Between Geopolitical Objects and Sites for Learning”

  • Thursday 23 January 2025 – UAG.068
    Eelco Boss (PhD Student, Open University/Windesheim) Providing solutions for ‘unattached youth’ in the Sixties: transnational Anglo-Dutch networks and identifications.

  • Thursday 6 March 2025 – UAG.068
    Sepideh Yousefzadeh and Brenda Bartelink (RUG), (in collaboration with the postcoloniality reading group)

  • Thursday 20 March 2025 – UAG.068
    Peter de Vries (PhD student, RUG), “What teachers need to know and be able to do to work together with parents according to previous research.”

  • Thursday 17 April 2025 – UAG.068
    Halima Tahiria (PhD student, KU Leuven), Gender in primary school textbooks used in Morocco during colonialism (1912-1956). Commentator: Chelsea Rodriguez

  • Thursday 22 May 2025 – UAG.068
    Marco Mazereeuw (NHL Stenden/ RUG) “The research group Vocational Pedagogy and Lifelong Development: two studies based on concepts and guiding principles of cultural-historical activity theory in the context of professional becoming.”

    Thursday 26 June 2025 – UAG.068
    Discussion: Research Ideas

Research Meetings on previous years


  • Thursday 21 September 2023 – B.0128 Suleyman Gelener (RUG) –"Growing apart: a historical analysis of education policy and mutually exclusive identity formation in Cyprus’’ (10% seminar)
  • Thursday 28 September 2023, 14-17hr.  – Location TBA Symposium –"Celebrating Josje van der Linden’’
  • Thursday 19 October 2023 – N.0068 Kim Setkowski (RUG)–"Addressing Youth Suicide: New Research & Introducing the Dutch Helpline for Suicide Prevention’’
  • Thursday 2 November 2023 – N.0068 Elisabet Le Roux (Stellenbosch) & CO – “Researching themes related to injustice, violence and exclusion in education: methods and ethics”
  • Monday 27 November 2023 – N.0068 Sotiria Grek (Edinburgh), Joakim Landahl (Stockholm) and Christian Lundahl (Örebro) – “Torsten Husén and the Internationalisation of Educational Research for Policy”
  • Thursday 7 December 2023 – N.0068 Charlotte Wekker – “Racism in higher education” (10% seminar)
  • Thursday 21 December 2023 – N.0068 Mandy Oude Veldhuis - Talhout (Windesheim/ Groningen)–"Individualization in parenting styles’’
  • Thursday 25 January 2024 – N.0068 Hugo Li (KU Leuven)–"Shu Xincheng’s promotion of the Dalton Plan: the “localization” of progressive educational reform in the Republic of China’’
  • Thursday 29 February 2024 – N.0068 Sarahanne Field (RUG)–"Science reform, communities of practice and open science in the Global South’’
  • Thursday 7 March, 2024 Anne-Li Lindgren (Stockholm University) and Sara Backman Prytz (Uppsala University). ”A time-line methodology. Swedish School Sex Education 1880-2022”. Commentator: Karen Hollewand (RUG) (co-organized with the LGBTQIA+ Issues Expertise Centre)
  • Thursday 21 March 2024 – N.0068 Linda Greveling –"Rise and fall of the Middenschool: The representation of the Dutch comprehensive school experiment in the media, 1969-1993’’
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 – N.0068 Yiru Wang (KU Leuven)–"Testing Taking a Transnational Turn: A Historical Study into the Development and Proliferation of Psychometric Testing in China as a Culturally Entangled Technology, 1915-1937.’’
  • Thursday 30 May 2024 – N.0068 Rinske Vermeij (RUG)–"The Heymans Cube in action (the area of application tbd)’’
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 – N.0068 Chelsea Rodriguez (RUG)–"90% seminar’’


  • 22 September 22. Muqarramah (Karra) Sulaiman Kurdi (RUG)–"Beyond Madrasas: Muslim Schooling in Indonesia in the 1970s". 10% seminar. Commentator: Lourens van Haaften (RUG).
  • 20 October 20. Chelsea Rodriguez (RUG) –"All the (School) news that’s fit to print: the history of education journalism and knowledge production in the New York Times". 50% seminar. Commentator: Kristen Nawrotski (Heidelberg)
  • November 24 2022. Anders Nordmo (RUG/USN Norway) –"Textbooks and the postwar period: Norway and the Netherlands". 10% seminar. Commentator: Tina van der Vlies (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
  • December 22. Lourens van Haften (RUG) and Cristina Alarcón López (Vienna) –"Historical perspectives on educational testing technologies as a transnational phenomenon”
  • January 26. Many Talhout (RUG)–"Parenting styles in historical perspectives"
  • February 23. Brenda Bartelink –"Mothering in uncertain futures: creating wellbeing in precarity"
  • March 30. Eelco Boss (Windesheim hogeschool, Zwolle)–"The establishment and rise of Dutch youth advice centres in the Seventies"
  • May 04. Linda Greveling (RUG) –"Rise and fall of the Middenschool. The representation of the Dutch comprehensive school experiment in the media, 1969-1979"
  • May 25. Mandy Talhout (RUG) –"An intergenerational analysis of Dutch youth narratives"
  • June 29. Anouk Zuurmond and Nynke Douma (RUG) – The impact of shadow education on Dutch secondary education "


  • September 23. Javid Javarov (guest PhD) –"A Mixed Methods Study of Citizenship Education: Listening to Young People" (final seminar). Commentator: Margot Joris, KU Leuven.
  • October 28. Merethe Roos (University of South-Eastern Norway), – “Sexuality in school: The moral and medical debate on Karl Evangs book Seksuell opplysning (1947) at Eidsvoll Landsgymnasium in 1952”
  • November 4. Symposium: “Kwetsbaar en gekwetst: Een historisch-pedagogisch perspectief op zorgenkinderen", bij het afscheid van de RUG wegens pensionering van Nelleke Bakker als universitair hoofddocent Historische Pedagogiek. Gadourekzaal (B0126)
  • November 25. Annette Mülberger Rogele – ‘Mental testing in the past: What can we learn from the inclusion of new actors and contexts?’’
  • December 16. Lourens Van Haaften– ‘TBA’
  • January 27. Online Chelsea Rodriguez – ‘Education and the Media – The Case of the New York Times’
  • February 16. Online Diana van Bergen & Kiran Ramlakhan – ‘’Personal autonomy and honour-based violence among girls from ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands’’
  • February 24. Ambulatorium 0.68/ Online Mineke van Essen en Sanne Parlevliet – ‘’ Puber en pedagoog’’
  • March 24. Ambulatorium 0.68/ Online Diana van Bergen en Brenda Bartelink – ‘’Identifying (with) religion in foster families: youth and parent experiences’’
  • April 7. Ambulatorium 0.68/ Online Mandy Talhout (extern promovendus van Hilda Amsing) – ‘The individualization of the Dutch family: an analysis of narratives about upbringing in three generations’
  • April 28. Ambulatorium 0.68/ Online Wouter Egelmeers (KU Leuven) – ‘’ Educational lanterns and the modernization of Belgian schooling’’
  • May. 19 Ambulatorium 0.68/ Online Dejan Todorovic – ‘’ Growing up in the Online World. Online Youth Work Supporting Socially Vulnerable Youth Towards Sustainable Personal Development and Social Participation.’’
  • June 23. Ambulatorium 0.68/ Online Maaike Smulders & Josje van der Linden – ‘’ Lifelong learning in companies


  • September 17. Ying Zhou, “The Development of “New Education” in Republican China, 1912-1923”
  • October 20-21. Workshop: European Comprehensive School Reform. Organizers: Johannes Westberg and Hilda Amsing .
  • October 29. Milou Smith, “De conceptualisering van aandachts- en concentratiestoornissen en druk gedrag, 1950-1990” (The conceptualization of attention and concentration disorders, 1950-1990)
  • November 17 and 23. Studiedagen kritisch denken, burgerschap en Bildung in het mbo. Meer informatie via
  • November 19. Javid Jafarov (Doctoral candidate), University of Münster, “A Mixed Methods Study of Citizenship Education: Listening to Young People”
  • December 10. Diana van Bergen, “Exploration of Christianity in the social history of Foster Care”
  • January 28. Hilda Amsing. Presentation of a two-volume project on Dutch school history
  • February 18. Josje van der Linden, ”Youth, education and work in (post-)conflict areas”
  • March 18. Anouk Zuurmond, “Serres’ pedagogy of invention or how to become ambidextrous”
  • April 7. Mandy Talhout (extern promovendus van Hilda Amsing), "The individualization of the Dutch family: an analysis of narratives about upbringing in three generations"
  • April 22. Peter de Vries, ‘Parent involvement in teacher training in primary education’
  • May 27. Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde (KU Leuven), "Attention, Please. Conceptualizations of Attention and the Psychologization of Primary Education, 1842-1980"
  • June 10. Barbara Hof (Zürich/visiting researcher, Groningen), “Knowledge for free. Why two American “mobile isotope training laboratories” went on a world tour in the late nineteen-fifties."


  • Thursday 28 November 2019, room GR19.0105
  • Ying Zhou - Civic and moral education in China (1904-1922)
  • Thursday 12 December 2019, room GR19.0109
  • Milou Smit - De conceptualisering van autisme (1950-1990)
  • Thursday 23 January 2020, room GR19.0105 Maaike Smulders – Lifelong learning
  • Thursday 20 February 2020, room GR19.0109 Pieter van Rees - Debates on knowledge and values in citizenship education. Developments at Teachers College 1900-2000
  • Thursday 19 March 2020, room H.0431 Anouk Zuurmond – Ayn Rand and the Educational Values of Objectivism
  • Thursday 28 May 2020, room GR19.0109 Johannes Westberg – The Wonderful Usefulness of History of Education
  • Thursday July 16, 2020. Book launch: Youth, education and work in (post-)conflict areas. Opening reflektions Josje van der Linden.
Last modified:15 July 2024 1.57 p.m.