Early stages researchers University of Groningen

Novel peroxisome functions
Ritika will identify novel peroxisomal proteins by the analysis of the proteome of peroxisomes isolated from yeast cells subjected to stress conditions. In addition, Ritika will experimentally validate fungal proteins predicted as peroxisomal by newly developed fungi-specific prediction models developed at the University of Stavanger and/or orthology analyses of established plant peroxisomal proteins, prioritizing fungal proteins of evolutionarily conserved and partially predictable function (in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg). Selected proteins will be functionally analysed in yeast. Promising plant and mammalian orthologs of novel yeast proteins will also be functionally analysed in collaboration with the University of Stavanger and MDiscoveries (Potsdam) by reverse genetics.
Part of the research will be performed at the University of Stavanger and MDiscoveries.
Supervisor: Professor Ida J. van der Klei (i.j.van.der.klei@rug.nl)
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sigrun Reumann, University of Stavanger

Novel components involved in peroxisome proliferation
Justyna will use genetic approaches in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha to identify novel genes involved in de novo peroxisome formation and fission based on the recent observation that blocking both processes of peroxisome proliferation results in a peroxisome-deficient phenotype in this yeast species. The most interesting candidates will be further analyzed for localization and function by established in vivo and in vitro approaches. Justyna will collaborate with a PhD student at the Ruhr University of Bochum on the mechanisms of peroxisome fission (a. o. testing of designed mutations in vivo) and contribute to the isolation and structural analysis of fission proteins during secondments at the EMBL (Hamburg) and Evitra (Stockholm).
Part of the research will be performed at the University of Bochum.
Supervisor: Professor Ida J. van der Klei (i.j.van.der.klei@rug.nl)
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Damien Devos, Pablo de Olavide University
Last modified: | 01 March 2018 4.06 p.m. |