ICT / Computergroep
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
Landleven 12 (Kapteynborg, building 5419)
9747 AD Groningen
the Netherlands
Computer support
Dr. J.T.A. de Jong (head)
Room KB 180
tel.: +31 (0)50 - 363 4096
e-mail: jdejong astro.rug.nl
F.A. Prins (system administrator)
Room KB 176
tel.: +31 (0)50 - 363 4068
e-mail: f.a.prins astro.rug.nl
E. Tiesinga (system administrator)
Room KB 194
tel.: +31 (0)50 - 363 4017
e-mail: E.Tiesinga astro.rug.nl
The computer group of the Kapteyn Institute maintains a number of special machines and clusters running highly specialized software for astronomy. The group also contributes to the development of astronomical software, such as the Python based Kapteyn Package.
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Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 januari 2025 13:29 |
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