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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Calendar

IREES colloquium: Dr. (Lisa) Novoradovskaya, Postdoc Environmental Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

When:Tu 24-09-2024 15:00 - 16:00
Where:5159.0291; Energy Academy

Speaker | Dr. Lisa Novoradovskaya, Postdoc Environmental Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Title | Bridging the gap between social and technical disciplines in energy transition and a glimpse into policy support

Summary | The interdisciplinarity in topics such as energy transition is a developing area of research as well as a needed approach to implement in practice. Energy systems are technologically complex and are in need of optimisation for optimal functioning, dealing with such issues as, for example, overloads from production of solar and wind energy, as well as supporting the demands of the users. Previously energy systems were studied predominantly from technical perspective and regarding any human-energy system interactions as ‘noise’. However, the behaviour of energy system users can have a large impact on how the grid functions. I am going to be talking about benefits and challenges of connecting such disciplines as engineering and environmental psychology within energy systems and energy transition. I will also provide some insight into the research we do in Environmental Psychology department about policies in times of energy crisis. 

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