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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Calendar

Lecture and Q&A with Klaus Hubacek and Huilin Chen about Climate change, inequality and the pandemic: the basics from the natural and social sciences | hosted by Groninger Climate Coalition

When:We 10-03-2021 at 14:00
Where:online event

Join us on Wednesday 10th at 14:00 in the run up to the Klimaatalarm, for a lecture and Q&A with Prof. Dr. Klaus Hubacek and Prof. Dr. Huilin Chen.

Even though we have all heard about climate change here and there, it often appears as just such a huge complex issue that even for people that are already active in the climate movement it’s not easy to keep in touch with what we are actually talking about. That is why we are especially happy that Prof. Dr. Hubacek and Prof. Dr Chen have accepted our invitation to talk us through some basic mechanisms and recent developments and to answer burning questions you may have.

Hubacek is a lead author of the UN body for science on Climate Change IPCC and works in economics and environmental sciences. Chen works in environmental sciences, geosciences and instrumentation, with special expertise on the measurement of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

We will talk about questions like: What is happening and why is there a need to act now? What are current, likely and possible pathways? What are the main drivers of the crisis? System change not climate change – what is wrong with “the system”? or What does the pandemic have to do with the climate crisis? – and there will be time to answer questions that you may have!

Event is free, organized by the Groninger Climate Coalition.

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