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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Calendar

IREES colloquium: Mapping the Ecologies of the Energy Transition Debate in the Dutch Digital Public Space | Dr. Marc Esteve Del Valle and Nuccio Ludovico

When:Th 03-09-2020
Where:via Zoom

Speakers| Dr. M. (Marc) Esteve Del Valle and Nuccio Ludovico, Msc.

Title| Mapping the Ecologies of the Energy Transition Debate in the Dutch Digital Public Space.

Summary| This project aims to map the ecologies of the energy transition debate occurring in the Dutch digital public space. It develops an empirical understanding of the forces of the Dutch energy transition debate and of their network evolution process. For more information about the project you can visit this website:


Dr. Marc Esteve Del Valle: is an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He is anew media scholar. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection between new media, digital democracy and social networks. His works examine the societal implications of people and organizations' communications in online social networks. Methodologically, he employs a combination of methods, large datasets, and computational social science techniques. For more informationabout Marc's research you can visit his personal website:

Nuccio Ludovico: MSc in Psychology of Communication and Marketing, he is currently a student of a Double PhD Degree Program at the Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society, IREES (University of Groningen), and at the Department of Psychology of Developmental and Socialization Processes (Sapienza Università di Roma). He investigates social acceptance of sustainable technologies and beliefs disseminated in OSN (OnlineSocial Networks) using SNA and Computational Text Analysis techniques on user generated contents. He is a member of the Scientific Board of Nahima Foundationas contact point and reference for Social Sciences in the foundation’s projects and he collaborates at CIRPA - the Interuniversity Research Center in Environmental Psychology - working on the acceptance of technologies for biomass conversion in molten salts.

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