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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Calendar

IREES colloquium: Emerging societal challenges, new research agenda’s? exploring the role of universities | Guest lecture Kees van Veen,

When:Th 17-12-2020 11:00 - 12:00
Where:via ZOOM

Speaker | Dr. K. (Kees) van Veen, Academic director Sustainable Society & Associate Professor

Title | Emerging societal challenges, new research agenda’s? exploring the role of universities.

Summary | The world as we know it is not a given. It is increasingly clear and well understood that our societies are transforming, while reaching important planetary thresholds that define the quality of future human life. With this observation as a background, I will briefly explore the past, present and future foundations of the Sustainable Society theme of the RUG. On the one hand, this gives you a first impression where the theme Sustainable Society is moving to. Additionally, I would like to take my analysis one step further and also explore the dynamics of societal challenges in general, and what these dynamics mean for universities in general, but ours in particular. There will be ample room for discussion and exchange of ideas.

Biography | Kees van Veen is scientific director of one of the strategic themes of the RUG: Sustainable Society. After writing his dissertation at the sociology department, and a few international sidesteps, he continued his career at the Faculty of Economics and Business. Besides his teaching and research responsibilities, he was founding educational director of the International Business program, chairman of the Faculty Council, and (co-) founder and director of the Institute for Governance and Organizational Responsibility. His academic interests are broad and moved from career analyses, organizational design, composition of boards of multinationals, corporate governance, and finally towards larger societal challenges and the role of organizations and institutions.

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