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Research Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society | IREES Calendar

IREES colloquium: Building as a Power Plant | Guest lecture Sara Walker, Newcastle University

When:Th 07-05-2020 15:30 - 16:30
Where:Via Zoom

Speaker | Sara Walker, Newcastle University.

Title| Building as a Power Plant.

Summary| The Urban Sciences Building at Newcastle University is the focus of a research project carried out by researchers within the University’s School of Engineering.

The aim of the research is to consider the potential for the building to offer flexibility to the local electricity network by reducing import from, or export to, the network at the point of connection.
The building has 6 storeys, with 22 air handling units and 25 heat pumps. The research team is investigating heat pump, air handling units, lighting and lift loads and PV generation in order to
understand the potential magnitude, speed and duration of demand response and other grid services the building can offer.

The building sensors are accessible via the Urban Observatory platform, which is open to the general public. There are thousands of sensors across the building, and the majority of these are in-room
sensors which monitor temperature, relative humidity, CO2 and light levels (lux).

Biography| Dr Sara Walker has a BSc (Hons) Physics, an MSc in Environmental Science and a PhD in energy policy. She joined academia in 1996 at De Montfort University as a Research Associate, then Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer, working on renewable energy technology and policy. In 2003 she moved to industry and joined IT Power as a Senior Energy Specialist, and in 2004 she joined Econnect Ltd as their Research and Development Manager. In 2007 she moved back to academia, at Northumbria University, as Subject Director. In 2015 she joined Newcastle University as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering, where she has been working on whole energy systems research. Dr Walker is now Associate Director of the Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI), Deputy Director of the Supergen Energy Networks Hub and Academic Deputy Director of the Active Building Centre. She is a Reader in Energy with a portfolio of research projects of total value £68m, and Director of the new Centre for Energy at Newcastle University. She has authored or co-authored numerous journal and conference papers covering topics of renewables, building energy performance, impact of buildings/renewables on energy networks and energy policy.

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