2005 publications
van der Holt B, Lowenberg B, Burnett AK, Knauf WU, Shepherd J, Piccaluga PP, Ossenkoppele GJ, Verhoef GE, Ferrant A, Crump M, Selleslag D, Theobald M, Fey MF, Vellenga E, Dugan M, Sonneveld P. The value of the MDR1 reversal agent PSC-833 in addition to daunorubicin and cytarabine in the treatment of elderly patients with previously untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML), in relation to MDR1 status at diagnosis. Blood. 2005 Jun 30; [Epub ahead of print]
Diepstra A, Niens M, Vellenga E, van Imhoff GW, Nolte IM, Schaapveld M, van der Steege G, van den Berg A, Kibbelaar RE, te Meerman GJ, Poppema S. Association with HLA class I in Epstein-Barr-virus-positive and with HLA class III in Epstein-Barr-virus-negative Hodgkin's lymphoma. Lancet. 2005 Jun 25-Jul 1;365(9478):2216-24.
Wu KL, van Wieringen W, Vellenga E, Zweegman S, Lokhorst HM, Sonneveld P. Analysis of the efficacy and toxicity of bortezomib for treatment of relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma in community practice. Haematologica. 2005 Jul;90(7):996-7.
Drayer AL, Olthof SG, Vellenga E. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Is Required for Thrombopoietin-Induced Proliferation of Megakaryocyte Progenitors. Stem Cells. 2005 Aug 25; [Epub ahead of print]
Peeters SD, Hovenga S, Rosati S, Vellenga E. Bcl-xl Expression in Multiple Myeloma. Med Oncol. 2005;22(2):183-90.
Schepers H, Wierenga AT, Eggen BJ, Vellenga E. Oncogenic Ras blocks transforming growth factor-beta-induced cell-cycle arrest by degradation of p27 through a MEK/Erk/SKP2-dependent pathway. Exp Hematol. 2005 Jul;33(7):747-57.
Houwerzijl EJ, Louwes H, Esselink MT, Smit JW, Vellenga E, de Wolf JT. Increased glycocalicin index and normal thrombopoietin levels in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with a decreased rate of platelet production. Haematologica. 2005 May;90(5):710-1.
Benus GF, Wierenga AT, de Gorter DJ, Schuringa JJ, van Bennekum AM, Drenth-Diephuis L, Vellenga E, Eggen BJ. Inhibition of the TGF{beta} Pathway by IL-1{beta} Is Mediated through TAK1 Phosphorylation of SMAD3. Mol Biol Cell. 2005 May 25; [Epub ahead of print]
Schepers H, Geugien M, van der Toorn M, Bryantsev AL, Kampinga HH, Eggen BJ, Vellenga E. HSP27 protects AML cells against VP-16-induced apoptosis through modulation of p38 and c-Jun. Exp Hematol. 2005 Jun;33(6):660-70.
Houwerzijl EJ, Louwes H, Esselink MT, Smit JW, Vellenga E, de Wolf JT. Increased glycocalicin index and normal thrombopoietin levels in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with a decreased rate of platelet production. Haematologica. 2005 May;90(5):710-1.
Breems DA, Van Putten WL, Huijgens PC, Ossenkoppele GJ, Verhoef GE, Verdonck LF, Vellenga E, De Greef GE, Jacky E, Van der Lelie J, Boogaerts MA, Lowenberg B. Prognostic index for adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first relapse. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Mar 20;23(9):1969-78. Epub 2005 Jan 4.
Bystrykh L, Weersing E, Dontje B, Sutton S, Pletcher MT, Wiltshire T, Su AI, Vellenga E, Wang J, Manly KF, Lu L, Chesler EJ, Alberts R, Jansen RC, Williams RW, Cooke MP, de Haan G. Uncovering regulatory pathways that affect hematopoietic stem cell function using 'genetical genomics'. Nat Genet. 2005 Mar;37(3):225-32. Epub 2005 Feb 13.
Drayer AL, Boer AK, Los EL, Esselink MT, Vellenga E. Stem cell factor synergistically enhances thrombopoietin-induced STAT5 signaling in megakaryocyte progenitors through JAK2 and Src kinase.
Stem Cells. 2005 Feb;23(2):240-51. -
van Pelt K, de Haan G, Vellenga E, Daenen SM. Administration of low-dose cytarabine results in immediate S-phase arrest and subsequent activation of cell cycling in murine stem cells. Exp Hematol. 2005 Feb;33(2):226-31.
de Greef GE, van Putten WL, Boogaerts M, Huijgens PC, Verdonck LF, Vellenga E, Theobald M, Jacky E, Lowenberg B; The Dutch-Belgian Hemato-Oncology Co-operative Group HOVON; The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research SAKK. Criteria for defining a complete remission in acute myeloid leukaemia revisited. An analysis of patients treated in HOVON-SAKK co-operative group studies. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(2):184-91.
Breems DA, Van Putten WL, Huijgens PC, Ossenkoppele GJ, Verhoef GE, Verdonck LF, Vellenga E, De Greef GE, Jacky E, Van der Lelie J, Boogaerts MA, Lowenberg B. Prognostic index for adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first relapse. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Mar 20;23(9):1969-78. Epub 2005 Jan 4.
Breems DA, Boogaerts MA, Dekker AW, Van Putten WL, Sonneveld P, Huijgens PC, Van der Lelie J, Vellenga E, Gratwohl A, Verhoef GE, Verdonck LF, Lowenberg B. Autologous bone marrow transplantation as consolidation therapy in the treatment of adult patients under 60 years with acute myeloid leukaemia in first complete remission: a prospective randomized Dutch-Belgian Haemato-Oncology Co-operative Group (HOVON) and Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK) trial. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(1):59-65.
Hovenga S, Daenen SM, de Wolf JT, van Imhoff GW, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Sluiter WJ, Vellenga E. Combined thalidomide and cyclophosphamide treatment for refractory or relapsed multiple myeloma patients: a prospective phase II study. Ann Hematol. 2005 May;84(5):311-6. Epub 2004 Dec 17.
Houwerzijl EJ, Blom NR, van der Want JJ, Louwes H, Esselink MT, Smit JW, Vellenga E, de Wolf JT. Increased peripheral platelet destruction and caspase-3-independent programmed cell death of bone marrow megakaryocytes in myelodysplastic patients. Blood. 2005 May 1;105(9):3472-9. Epub 2004 Nov 12.
Heijink IH, Vellenga E, Oostendorp J, de Monchy JG, Postma DS, Kauffman HF. Exposure to TARC alters {beta}2-adrenergic receptor signaling in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2005 Mar 4; [Epub ahead of print]
Last modified: | 19 November 2012 4.46 p.m. |