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Research The Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture (ICOG) News

Democracy & Governance colloquium - KSENIA ROBBE & SENKA NEUMANN-STANIVUKOVICH: Special issue presentation 'Feminist Strike'

When:We 15-05-2024 12:00 - 13:30
Where:Grey room, House of Connections
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Democracy & Governance research colloquium

Ksenia Robbe and Senka Neuman Stanivukovic are looking forward to presenting the special issue that they have co-edited with Kylie Thomas, titled "Formation of Feminist Strike" in the journal Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture, and Social Justice in 2023. The special issue presents a compelling case for the power of feminist movements and their potential to generate political and societal transformation. Collected works focus on questions often ignored or marginalized in established discussions about a contemporary feminist strike. The articles cover topics ranging from sex strikes as a form of anti-war resistance in Liberia, women's struggles for land in India and feminist movements in Italy, offering a broad critique of gender-based violence. Other authors propose protest practices beyond work stoppages and interruptions as a transformative practice that generates new social forms. This includes the transversal revolutionary potential of unveiling and hair-cutting by women in Iran, the discussion of anarcho-feminist zines as archives of feminist resistances and the slow and accelerated rhythms of women's protests in Belarus.

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