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Research Heymans Institute Research Units Organisational Psychology


The world of work is changing rapidly, posing new challenges for both employees and organizations. Our mission is to help people and organizations take on those challenges, recognize and create opportunities, and thrive and flourish. To that end, we conduct cutting-edge research, develop new theory, design and test interventions, and educate new generations of organizational psychologists.

Central to all our research and teaching is the link between theory and practice: We produce and disseminate knowledge that is grounded in rigorous research and theory and offer clear perspectives for interventions to improve organizational life. Our passion for organizational psychology is reflected in our research projects, our teaching program, and the quality of our output.

The group studies diverse topics such as motivation, leadership, goal pursuit, proactive behavior, stress and well-being at work, lifespan development, wellbeing, personality, and creativity. To study this wide range of topics, we employ a variety of methodologies, including field surveys, diary studies, and laboratory experiments. As a group, we are characterized by a high degree of diversity: we have broad expertise from a variety of research backgrounds, our team members come from all over the world, and we employ a wide array of research methods.

Last modified:18 July 2024 2.48 p.m.