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Research Heymans Institute Research Units

Research Units

The research of the Heymans Institute is conducted within nine research units. Recently these groups were part of one of the seven sub research groups of the Heymans Institute (see below).

Research Units


Recent sub research groups

Experimental Psychology

prof.dr. E.G. (Elkan) Akyürek

Information Processing and Task Performance

Social Psychology

Prof. dr. T.T. (Tom) Postmes

Interpersonal Behavior

Environmental Psychology

Prof. dr. E.M. (Linda) Steg

Interpersonal Behavior

Organizational Psychology

Prof. dr. S. (Susanne) Scheibe

Interpersonal Behavior

Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology

Prof. dr. M.H. (Maaike) Nauta

Experimental Psychotherapy and Psychopathology

Theory and History of Psychology

Prof. dr. A.C. Mülberger Rogele

Theory and History of Psychology

Developmental Psychology

dr. B.F. (Bertus) Jeronimus

Developmental Processes

Psychometrics and Statistics

Prof. dr. M.E. (Marieke) Timmerman

Psychometrics and Statistics

Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology

Prof. dr. G.H.M. (Marieke) Pijnenborg

Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology

Last modified:11 February 2025 2.00 p.m.