Ph.D. theses supervised 1988-2010
(33 in total, as 1st or 2nd supervisor)
S. Castedo (1988) Pathogenesis of testicular germ cell tumours. A cytogenetical and pathological study. (2nd)
R.J. van Berlo (1990) The role of sex and chromosomal abnormalities in the development of murine embryo-derived tumors. (2nd)
H. Scheffer (1990) Genomic and genetic characterization of the chromosomal region 13q14-q21. (1st)
G.J. te Meerman (1991) A logic programming approach to pedigree analysis. (1st)
R.H.J. Houwen (1991) Wilson disease. From clinical to molecular. (1st)
A.H. van der Hout (1993) In search of genes responsible for the development of renal cell carcinoma. (1st)
K. Kok (1994) Characterisation of 3p deletions in lung cancer. (1st)
R.M.W. Hofstra (1995) The RET gene and its associated diseases. (1st)
H.G. de Vries (1996) Application of molecular techniques in population genetic studies of cystic fibrosis in The Netherlands. (2nd)
J.M. Cobben (1996) DNA-studies in spinal muscular atrophy. (1st)
M.A. van der Meulen (1996) Mutations and genetic disease: computational and population genetic approaches. (1st)
A. van den Berg (1996) Involvement of multiple loci on chromosome 3 in renal cell cancer development. (1st)
A.J. van Essen (1997) Genetic and epidemiologic studies in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. (1st)
N.J. van Orsouw (1998) Design and application of mutation detection in large genes by two-dimensional gene scanning. (1st)
Y. Wu (1999) Design and application of DGGE-based mutation detection systems for genes involved in HNPCC. (1st)
T. Timmer (1999) The possible role of region p21.3 of chromosome 3 in the development of lung cancer. (1st)
R.H. Sijmons (1999) Studies on the clinical genetics of cancer. (1st)
V.M. Hayes (1999) Mutation screening of the TP53 and KRAS genes in human cancer. (1st)
J. Reefhuis (2000) The use of birth defect registries for etiological research. (1st)
P.J. McLaughlin (2000) Lung cancer-associated genes studied in vitro and in vivo using transgenic animal models. (2nd)
H.E.K. de Walle (2001) Awareness and use of folic acid in the Netherlands: from science to practice. (1st)
P.H.L. Schuilenga-Hut (2002) Mutation detection and correction experiments in epidermolysis bullosa simplex. (1st)
I.M. Nolte (2003) Statistics and population genetics of haplotype sharing as a tool for fine-mapping of disease loci. (1st)
M.J.W. Berends (2003) Towards optimal identification of carriers of germline mutations involved in mismatch repair. (2nd)
J.L. Westra (2004) Somatic-genetic aberrations, specific protein levels and their prognostic value in colon cancer. (1st)
B. Sikkema-Raddatz (2005) Quality assessment of prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis. (1st)
M. Boon (2006) Genetic aspects of multiple sclerosis (2nd)
M. Wilkens (2006) On the molecular genetic etiology of osteosarcoma; gene expression in osteoblasts, osteosarcoma cell lines and osteosarcoma tumours (1st)
A. ter Elst (2006) On the elucidation of a tumour suppressor role of 3p in lung cancer (1st)
I. Plaza-Menacho (2006) Functional analysis of RET in MEN2 (2nd)
G. Burzynski (2006) Hirschprung disease – genetics and development (2nd)
G.T. Spijker (2007) Finding causal variants for complex disease: the contribution of statistical methodology to fine-mapping and assay optimization (1st)
M.K. Bakker (2010) The use of a birth defects case-control monitoring system in studying the safety of medication use in pregnancy (1st)
Last modified: | 07 April 2014 5.32 p.m. |