International invitations
1984 - 2010
- National Institute of Oncology, Porto, Portugal, 1984
- National Institute of Oncology, Porto, Portugal,1985
- Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Antwerp, Belgium, 1986
- Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Montreal, 1987
- Dept. of Genetics, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, 1987
- Whitehead Institute, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge Mass., 1987
- Institut du Cancer de Montreal, 1989
- Dept. of Genetics, University of Münster, Germany, 1993
- Dept. of Human Genetics, University of Essen, Germany, 1994
- Division of Human Genetics, University of Bloemfontein South Africa, 1995
- Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Naples, Naples 1995
- Microbiology and Tumour biology Centre, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 1996
- Dana Farber Institute of Cancer Research, Boston, 1996
- Dept. of Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 1997
- Dept. of Molecular Genetics, Hospital Santa Creu y Sant Pau, Barcelona, 2002
- Microbiology and Tumour biology Centre, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 2003
Invited teacher in courses:
- Master Course in Medical Genetics, University of Porto, 1984; 1985; 1986
- Molecular Pathology of Cancer (Eur. Soc. Pathol. and Eur. Cell Biol. Org.), Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 1994
- Organiser Postgraduate Course on Recent Advances in MedicalGenetics, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1995
- Organiser Postgraduate Course on Clinical Genetics, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1995
Invited participant in Genome Meetings:
- Chromosome 3 workshops, San Antonio, 1990; Denver, 1991; Tokyo, 1992; Minneapolis 1995
- Chromosome 13 workshop, New York, 1995
- Chromosome Co-ordinating Meeting, Baltimore, 1992
- US Congress Advisory Group on DNA patenting, Washington, 1993
- International Genome Summit Meeting, Houston, 1994
- International Genome Summit Meeting, Canberra, 1996
- Cancer Chromosome Aberrations Database Workshop, Bethesda, 2000
Invited speaker:
- Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics of Human Neoplasia, Berlin (West), 1986
- International Conference on Hormones, Growth Factors and Oncogenes in Pulmonary Carcinoma, Hanover, NH, 1987
- First European Workshop on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Solid Tumours, Dijon, 1988
- EMBO Workshop on Tumour Suppressor Genes and Negative Growth Regulation, Nethybridge, 1988
- Fifth Symposium of the Society of Human Genetics of the DDR, Rostock, 1988
- European Symposium on Hormones and Cell Regulation, Mont Sainte-Odile, France, 1989
- Ulrich Symposium, Rostock, 1989
- Fifth International Congress on Early Fetal Diagnosis, Prague, 1990
- Second European Workshop on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Solid Tumors, Leuven, 1990
- Third Lung Tumour Biology Workshop, Cambridge, UK, 1990
- Sixth European Conference on Clinical Oncology and Cancer Nursing, Florence, 1991
- Suppressor Genes meeting, Societé Française du Cancer, Paris, 1992
- 25th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Barcelona, 1993
- 4th European Workshop on Cytogenetics and Molecular genetics of Solid Tumours, Noordwijkerhout, 1994
- International Expert Meeting Alliance of National Support Groups concerned in Hereditary and Congenital Disorders, Baarn, 1994
- 6th Biennial Congress Southern African Society of Human Genetics, Cape Town, 1995
- 4th International Workshop on Fetal Genetic Pathology, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 1995
- 13th Congress South African Biochemical Society, Bloemfontein, 1995
- 12th International Chromosome Conference, Madrid, 1995
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO95, Capri, 1995
- International Biennial Meeting Deutsche Krebshilfe, Bonn, 1995
- 5th European Symposium on the Prevention of Congenital Anomalies, Groningen, 1996
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO96, Capri, 1996
- EORTC workshop on Lung Cancer, Appingedam, 1997
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO97, Naples, 1997
- 3rd International Meeting on Hirschsprung disease and related neurocristopathies, Evian, 1998
- Genome Computing Workshop, High Performance Computing Meeting HPCN Europe 1998, Amsterdam, 1998
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO98, Capri, 1998
- 6th European Conference on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Human Solid Tumours, Saarbrücken, 1998
- International Federation of Clinical Chemistry Worldlab '99, Florence 1999
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO99, Capri, 1999
- Meeting of the Hungarian Society of Human Genetics, Pecs, 1999
- Science writers’ workshop in conjunction with the American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1999
- Basic and Clinical Enzymology 2000, Naples, 2000
- 7th European Workshop on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Human Solid Tumours, Edinburg, 2000
- Symposium Aging and Carcinogenesis, International Academic Week, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, 2000
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO 2001, Capri, 2001
- 18th ann. meeting European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Vienna, 2002
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO 2003, Capri 2003
- European Commission Conference on Funding Basic Research in the Life Sciences, Brussels 2004
- Functional Genomics, EU-Russia Joint symposium for co-operation in Biotechnology, Moscow, 2005
- International Conference on Laboratory Medicine CLINBIO 2005, Naples, 2005
- INTAS workshop Genomics & Proteomics for Human Health, Kiev, 2007
- EC Presidency Conference, Reseacher in Europe without borders, Prague, 2009
Scientific and Programme Committees:
- European Workshops on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Solid Tumours, Leuven 1990, Porto 1992, Noordwijkerhout 1994, Baveno-Stresa 1996, Saarbrücken 1998, Edinburgh 2000, Barcelona 2002, Brno 2004, Montpellier 2006, Bilbao 2008, Nijmegen 2010
- Symposium of the European Society of Human Genetics, Leuven, Belgium, 1991
- Eleventh International Chromosome Conference, Edinburgh 1992
- Symposium of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, Groningen, 1994
- Scientific Programme Committee Eur. Soc. Human Genetics, member 1994, chairman 1995 - 1998
- Workshop 5th Anniversary Cooperation INSERM-MW/NWO, Chairman, The Hague 1996
- Scientific Committee International Congress on Innovative Research and Health Care, The Hague, 1997
- International Workshop on MEN syndromes, Noordwijkerhout, 1997
- 3rd International Meeting Hirschsprung Disease and Related Neurocristopathies, Evian, 1998
- 1st International Congress on Clinical Molecular Biology, Florence, 1999
- Medical Congress “ 400 years Netherlands-Japan”, Leiden, 2000
- CLINBIO Congress Committee for meeting “Basic and Clinical Enzymology 2000, Naples, 2000
- Scientific Program Committee 10th International Congress of Human Genetics, Chairman, Vienna 2001
- Steering Group EC conference on Funding Basic Research in the Life Sciences: exploring opportunities for European synergies, Brussels, 2004
- Organizing Committee Fragilome meeting on chromosomal instability, fragile sites and cancer, Heidelberg, 2005
- Advisory Board Interdisciplinary Conference for Young European Scientists in Life Sciences, University of Twente, 2007
- Scientific Programme Committee INTAS workshop Genomics and Proteomics applied to human health, Kiev, 2007
Last modified: | 12 December 2013 2.52 p.m. |