General information

How interactions between individual people or animals give rise to group phenomena such as the diffusion of new behaviours, social networks, societial polarisation, crowd behaviours and spatial arrangements is the key question around which researchers from the GCSCS gather. Using empirical and simulation methodologies, we try to identify the processes that explain such phenomena, and if possible, identify managerial strategies.
The GCSCS serves as a platform connecting researchers at or affiliated with the University of Groningen working in the field of social complexity. The aim of the GCSCS is to provide high quality research and education, interacting actively with business, government and the public, and in particular to address the goal of stimulating cross-border research and education.
Within the GCSCS many topics are being studied, a.o.:
- Consumer behavior, market dynamics and innovation
- Dynamics of social organizations
- Task allocation in teams
- Social network dynamics
- Social structures and self-organisation in animal societies
- Opinion dynamics
- Social conflict
- Dynamics of crowds
More information
Feel free to contact Wander Jager for further information.
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Last modified: | 08 April 2015 08.15 a.m. |