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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Data Science & Systems Complexity (DSSC) Events

Connecting Research and Practice of Software Engineering in the North Netherlands (North SE 2017)

When:We 29-11-2017 09:30 - 16:30
Where:Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6

Keynote speaker: Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia

The North SE workshop will bring together software engineering researchers and industry practitioners to explore theoretical and practical aspects, technical challenges and solutions, as well as opportunities for collaboration.

As “Software Is Eating The World”, the field of Software Engineering has had enormous impact on the Dutch industry. In this context, the Software Engineering research group at the University of Groningen has a long tradition (established in 1999) in connecting industrial practice with academic research. The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss a number of prominent Software Engineering topics from both academics and practitioners such as: software architecture, technical debt, novel programming languages, software ecosystems, cloud migration, devops and agile processes. Emphasis will be given on the industry’s advances and innovations, as well as the challenges that could be addressed through collaboration with academic research.

For more details, please visit this website.

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