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Inaugural lecture Prof. Ton Engbersen, The Future of IT - You ain't seen nothing yet...

When:Tu 28-02-2017 at 16:15
Where:Aula Academy Builing, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Information Technology as we know and deploy it today found its start in the nineteen fifties and sixties. Since the emergence of the first mainframes, we have continuously automated processes in administrations and organizations worldwide. A significant boost in the use of IT, especially by consumers, came with the emergence of the world wide web in the mid-nineties, still growing today. This created another trend: the increasing digitization of our world. What was once analog is now being digitized or done digitally in the first more.

Prof. Engbersen's interview "Nederland wil koploper zijn in big data en cognitive computing, maar bestuurders snappen vaak niet wat het is" can be accessed on the University of Groningen's News page.

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