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ENTEG seminar: Prof. dr. Ming Cao (Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen)

When:Th 19-01-2017 at 13:00
Where:5111.0080, Nijenborgh 4

Speaker: Prof. dr. Ming Cao   
Title: Teams of autonomous robots for scientific research and industrial applications


Autonomous robots have been both a source of inspiration and an invitation to further exploration in recent years for multi-disciplinary research involving electrical and mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, computer science, mathematics, biology, and even economic and social science. The bio-inspired models and design principles are fundamental to breaking new research ground. In parallel, there is urgent need in industry to design novel control and coordination methodologies for teams of autonomous robots for complex robotic tasks. In the content of such scientific researcha and industrial applications, I will report several most recent theoretical developments for cooperative control of robotic teams and discuss the usage of the robotic fish and the omi-directional wheeled mobile robot testbeds in the DTPA lab.

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