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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Data Science & Systems Complexity (DSSC) Events

DSSC seminar: Prof. dr. Helwig Hauser (University of Bergen, Norway)

When:We 15-11-2017 16:00 - 17:00
Where:5161.0105, Bernoulliborg

Speaker: Prof. dr. Helwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway.

Title: Visual Data Science, integrating computational data analysis with interactive visual data exploration.

With the nowadays increasing prevalence of rich and also extended datasets in a large variety of commercial as well as scientific applications, the challenge of how to effectively and efficiently exploit all the data is becoming increasingly pressing.  Several different approaches to coping with this challenge are promising, including statistical data analysis as well as interactive visualization.  In this talk, we see, how interactive visual data exploration and analysis can complement automatically optimized solutions for computational data analysis, and we consider potential benefits of both approaches and how to possibly integrate them (in the sense of combining the best of two worlds).

Helwig Hauser is professor in visualization at the Informatics Department of the University of Bergen in Norway.  Since 2007, he leads the then newly formed research group on visualization there (see for details), focussing on a variety of topics in visualization, in particular also including the interactive visual data exploration and analysis.  Since August 2017, he is for one year on sabbatical in The Netherlands (TU Delft), studying visual data science and related solutions.  

Poster with extended information.

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