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DSSC scientific meeting: Prof. dr. Bayu Jayawardhana and Dr. Alef Sterk

When:Mo 03-10-2016 10:00 - 12:00
Where:room 5161.0165 (Bernoulliborg)

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bayu Jayawardhana (ENTEG)
Title: How to deal with the coming age of genome-scale kinetics model?


Biochemical networks are generally modelled by ordinary differential equations to simulate their behaviour and to get insight into their functioning. Such models tend to become very complex due to the large number of molecular species involved and their nonlinear kinetics. Furthermore, the recent progresses in genome-scale kinetic models have called for novel mathematical tools that can handle the complexity. Reduction of model size and complexity should help to identify which molecular interactions are essential for the characteristic dynamics of the system and to provide meaningful biological insights.

Speaker: Dr. Alef Sterk (JBI)
Title: Discretized continuum models: Which properties persist?


Continuum models in science and engineering are often formulated as partial differential equations (PDEs). For simulation purposes discretization methods are used to reduce a PDE to a system of finitely many ordinary differential equations. The key question is which dynamical and statistical properties survive the discretization.

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