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"A Brief History of Big Data Analytics"

When:Tu 03-11-2015 11:00 - 12:00
Where:room 5161.0105, Bernoulliborg

Speaker: Professor Mark J. Embrechts (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

The phenomena of Big Data and Analytics bring a new life to the discipline of data mining. This talk will define and trace the origin of big data and answer the where, when, and why of Big Data Analytics. Big Data Analytics (BDA) is more than Data Mining (DM) on steroids. The vast amount of data mandates novel algorithmic approaches to Big Data Analytics. But there is more to come: Big Data often has a significant crowdsourcing aspect and now places a heavy emphasis on data cleansing, outlier detection, and the cloud. Because of the nature of the data (often text and images) the first challenge for Big Data Analytics is now on structuring the data.

This talk will highlight the differences between Data Mining and Big Data Analytics and why an engineering approach is necessary for data-driven science and engineering applications of Big Data Analytics.

Poster with extended information

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