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DSSC seminar: Prof. Jack van Wijk, Challenges in Visual Analytics

When:Th 04-04-2019 16:00 - 17:00
Where:Bernoulliborg room 5161.105, Nijenborgh 9

Speaker: Prof. Jack van Wijk, Information Visualization, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Title: Challenges in Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics aims at the integration of automated analysis (statistics, machine learning, data mining) with interactive visualization, thereby exploiting the strengths of humans and computers. The concept is great, but there are many challenges ahead, such as dealing with huge, complex, dynamic data and with the strengths and limitations of human perception and cognition. A special challenge is to provide trust and transparency of complex models and their results, which is an important societal issue due to the steep increase of the use of automated decision making. I will illustrate these challenges using examples of our work in Eindhoven, for a variety of applications.


Jack van Wijk is full professor in visualization at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), and scientific director of the Data Science Center Eindhoven. He received a MSc degree in Industrial design engineering in 1982 and a PhD degree in computer science in 1986 from Delft University of Technology. He has worked for 10 years at the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN, and joined TU/e in 1998. His main research interests are information visualization and visual analytics, with a focus on the development of new methods for the interactive exploration of large data-sets. He has received the IEEE Visualization Technical Achievement Award in 2007, and the Eurographics 2013 Outstanding Technical Contributions Award.

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