Research profile Dr. M. (Monica) Rotulo

Dr. M. (Monica) Rotulo graduated on 30 August 2022, Results on data-driven controllers for unknown nonlinear systems
Project: Distributed control methods under communication constraints with applications to sensor networks in a smart industry setting
In modern industry, there is an increasing interest in control systems employing multiple sensors and actuators, possibly geographically distributed. Communication is an important component of these networked control systems. Understanding the interactions between control and communication components is especially important to develop systems that possess scalability features. Existing solutions for distributed control have little to no scalability features in terms of both convergence time and accuracy caused by limited bandwidth and quantization issues. The ESRs who select this Project line will develop novel distributed control methods, with emphasis on event-based and self-triggered communication protocols. A specific case study will be considered in terms of distributed “average” and “max-min” consensus networks, which are prototypical networks for distributed sensing and actuation.
Keywords: Sensor Networks, Nonlinear consensus, Hybrid Systems, Self-triggered Algorithms, Coordination Control.
Fields of expertise: Control Theory, Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing, Computer Science, Network Science.
Last modified: | 10 May 2023 10.59 a.m. |