magaZine - News&More
In the Advanced Materials magaZine you find a glimpse of the latest scientific developments and other news from the institutes that investigate Advanced Materials at the University of Groningen. Below you can browse through the pdf version of the latest magaZine. Via you may sign up for receiving a hardcopy.

Sixth Edition - Spring 2023
In this edition of the magazine, we try to highlight the breadth of topics; from quantum dots, via light driven molecular motors, conductivity, (synthetic) biological cells and membranes, to bio basedelectronic wearables and implants, while taking inspiration from nature, like RNA and seal whiskers.

Fifth Edition - Winter 2022
Materials have shaped the world in which we live. Periods of earths existence have been named after the materials that enabled revolutionary steps of human evolution, like e.g. stone age or bronze age. Today, new materials are transforming the medical and manufacturing industries, achieve totally new functionality, and help to make the world more sustainable, as you can read on the following pages. But what motivates people to manipulate materials at the atomic scale or transform waste from food industry into novel polymers? In the fifth edition you can see sparkling science and links to background stories on the people behind the work.

Fourth Edition - Winter 2020/21
In the fourth edition we value science and spreading knowledge in those special times. There are new faces in the team, CogniGron is up and running for two years, prizes and distinctions were won and beautiful science was executed displaying the breadth of Advanced Materials research in Groningen. Have a look yourself: stay safe, stay curious, enjoy our stories here, and keep telling your story.

Third Edition - Spring 2020 - 50 years Materials Science in Groningen
In the third edition we celebrate 50 years of materials science in Groningen! While the on campus festivities had to be cancelled/postponed due to the COVID-19 situation, Ria Broer, Jeff de Hosson, Ger Challa, Georges Hadziioannou, George Robbilard, Wim Nieuwpoort and Douwe Wiersma provide a glance at what would have been discussed on podium (and what still may be discussed once a big celebration is possible again). Further we get insights in the research of Shirin Faraji, George Palasantzas, Katja Loos, Edwin Otten, and Wesley Browne. Jim Ottele, PhD student in the group of Sijbren Otto, speaks about his outreach activities and Artem Shulga, founder of QDI Systems, about starting up in academia.

Second Edition - Summer 2019
In the second edition we welcome some new faces to the UG Advanced Materials team; feature Petra Rudolf and Moniek Tromp for their new roles in service of the science community; hear from alumna Alina Veligura (Philips) and emeritus prof. Jeff De Hosson who was knighted after 40+ years active duty; view the latest scientific developments, e.g. how Sijbren Otto tries to coax materials to undergo evolution; and we celebrate the renewed accreditation for our Top Master Nanoscience, and our successful 2019 Vlieland meeting.

First Edition - Fall 2018
In the first edition we highlight the Physics Prize that was awarded to Maria Antonietta Loi; feature Meike Stöhr who was recently promoted to full professor; introduce our new research center CogniGron; briefly reflect on the very positive evaluation of the research quality in the Stratingh Institute, Zernike Institute and GBB, tell you the story of our former graduate student Vincent Voet and much more.
Last modified: | 30 August 2023 2.07 p.m. |