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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) Group

IEM MDP: Colloquium, Jasper Schuttrups

When:Tu 29-11-2022 15:00 - 16:30
Where:5116.0128 (Nijenborgh 4)


Developing a zero-emission heating strategy for the district heating network of WarmteStad.


1st supervisor: Dr. G. K. H. (Gunn) Larsen

2nd supervisor: Prof. J. M. A. (Jacquelien) Scherpen

Company supervisor: Dr. D. J. (Daniël) Bakker (KWR Water Research Institute)


In this design project, three innovative, multi-energy designs for the heating strategy

of WarmteStad in 2030 are proposed and assessed. The heating strategies include only renewable energy sources, combined with seasonal heat storage. WarmteStad is the operator of a district heating network in Groningen, supplying 10,000 household equivalents with heat. The heating strategy of WarmteStad in 2026 already relies for 70% on renewable energy sources, supplemented with natural gas consumption by gas boilers and combined heat and power units. Due to the numerous reasons to move away from natural gas, WarmteStad and project partner KWR aim for a 100% renewable heating supply in 2030.

The proposed heating strategies are based on three different scenarios towards 2030, composed of five external factors. These scenarios are the result of a literature study, and expert interviews with people from multiple companies and organizations. One scenario assumes the continuous availability of green hydrogen and green electricity from the grid, another scenario relies on the possibility to utilize the geothermal source underneath Groningen, and a third, “conservative” scenario does not speculate on any future developments. In each of the scenarios, the proposed heating strategy was found to be able to satisfy the hour-to-hour heating demand, with a total required heat production of either 108 or 114 GWh. The required CAPEX ranges from €10 million to €31 million. The heating strategies were assessed by using the WarmingUP Design Toolkit for simulating energy systems.

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Please confirm your participation to Betsy van Rooij-Oldenboom ( She will put your name on the attendance list (RED BOOK) after the colloquium is finished.

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