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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering Our Research Engineering Systems and Design (ESD) Group

IEM MDP: Colloquium, Lex Woldringh

When:Th 10-11-2022 15:30 - 17:00
Where:5115.0014 (Nijborgh 4)


Towards an optimal Modular Product Architecture for the CVP-Everest at Sparck Technologies


1st supervisor: Dr. M. (Mauricio) Muñoz Arias

2nd supervisor: Dr. A.K. (Ashish) Cherukuri

Company supervisor: A. (Aike) Wilting (Sparck Technologies)


The main purpose of the present study is to determine how to optimize the modular product architecture of the CVP-Everest. The current modular product architecture is not efficient with respect to assembly time, making it impracticable to increase the production capacity to desired levels. The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) method is used to analyze the modular product architecture of the CVP-Everest. Accordingly, the system is decomposed into components and the interactions between these components are documented in a matrix (i.e., the DSM). The resulting DSMs are clustered to reveal and explore alternative product architectures and thereby to come to recommendations of how the system can be optimized. The clustering is done by applying a genetic algorithm (GA) and the Minimal Description Length (MDL) principle. On the basis of the results of this research, recommendations are provided. Redesigning the product architecture of the CVP-Everest based on the recommendations would make the system significantly more modular and efficient with respect to assembly time.

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Please confirm your participation to Betsy van Rooij-Oldenboom ( She will put your name on the attendance list (RED BOOK) after the colloquium is finished.

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