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About us FEB Research FEB Research Institute (FEBRI) Our organization Performance Criteria

FEBRI criteria for output assessment

General Requirements

To qualify for a (associate) fellow status of FEB's Research Institute (FEBRI), a faculty member of FEB has

  • to hold a PhD degree,
  • do research that fits within FEBRI, and
  • have sufficient credit points (on the basis of the criteria explained below)
    • 0.5 points for the associate fellow status
    • 2.0 points for the fellow status
  • At least 60% of the required points must come from peer reviewed journal publications. This 60% rule does not apply to published monographs in the A category (such publications are seen as equivalent to a publication in a top journal).

Researchers qualifying for research time are expected to publish in journals in the field of Economics and Business. When journals outside those fields are used and lead to disproportional amounts of credits being earned, measures may be taken by the vice-dean research based on the advice of the scientific committee.

Every year (in the spring) the Research Office checks whether or not researchers meet the criteria, and establishes, in cooperation with the programme directors and the faculty board, the corresponding percentage of the research time for the upcoming academic year. New researchers, who aspire a status, need a formal decision by the vice-dean research based on the advice of the scientific committee.

Method used

  • To measure journal quality the a five-year average AIP score will be used as follows: (AIp/100)2
  • The correction factor for co-authors is W=1-(N*.1), where N is the number of co-authors with a minimum W of 0.5
  • Maximum 10 publications + PhD thesis supervision in a 5-year period
  • Division between highly reputed and other publishers is based on the publishers list (appendix 1)
  • The official year of publication is leading (and not online first).

For specific details please check the summary table.

AIP score

To measure journal quality an AIP score will be used. This AIP score is the average AIP of the last five years with a moving window.
The points for previous years will not be adjusted.

We have calculated the AIP scores as folllows. Calculations have been based on information about the Article Influence Scores (AIS) of all journals mentioned in the SSCI and/or SCIE databases. This information has been retrieved from the ISI web of knowledge website (additional resources → journal citation reports). There are some journals which appear both in the SSCI and SCIE databases with the same AIS score (e.g. Econometrica). We have removed those duplicates so that every journal appears once in the dataset. Then we compute the Article Influence Score Percentile (AIP). The AIP of a specific journal is determined by its relative rank in the overall distribution of all AIS scores. Ties are taken into account: the same AIP score is assigned to journals which have exactly the same AIS score. An AIP score will not be assigned to journals which don’t have an AIS score.

Correction for part-time appointment and other specific situations

If someone has a part-time appointment the criteria are adjusted as follows:

  • 50 – 100% appointment: linear correction
  • <50% appointment: minimum of 50% of the points

Correction for part-time appointment only applies to researchers who do not have another appointment at UoG, another university or a research institution.

If someone has less time available during a certain period due to specific situations like illness or maternity leave the required number of points will be adjusted, upon request to the Research Office

Corresponding research time

An individual’s research time is determined by the number of credits, using the following cut-off values:

  • 0.5-0.99 : 20% (of which at least 0.3 points from journal publications)
  • 1.0-1.99 : 30% (of which at least 0.6 points from journal publications)
  • ≥2.0 : 40% (of which at least 1.2 points from journal publications)


These criteria were approved by the faculty board represented by the vice-dean research on May 1, 2021.




Single author

Multiple authors

Max credits per volume

Max 10 publications in the following categories:



W * (AIp/100)2;

W=1-(N*.1), where N is the number of co-authors with a minimum W of 0.5

PhD thesis




(in English)



W * 0.9



W * 0.45

Chapter in or editor of an edited volume

(in English)



W * 0.45




W * 0.15


In addition

PhD Thesis supervision

(of theses defended at the UoG, points to be granted in year of defense)


Maximum of 1 point in the 5- year period

* Book reviews are not included. Other short journal publications - including editorials (for edited special issues), comments, very short notes, etc. - may qualify for inclusion provided they make a sufficient scientific contribution. Judgements are to be made by the vice-dean research. The number of pages is of no consequence for the credits attributed.

Last modified:21 December 2023 09.40 a.m.